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Why QuickNote?
QuickNote is a software for writing everything in a practical and fast way.
I started to write it because I needed a software for writing notes quickly and in multiple text documents, without having to save all these documents around my hard disk. With QuickNote, you can edit various documents and close without saving: QuickNote will save all your data and load it again the next time! Here are some special features:
QuickNote Requirements and Installation
QuickNote is written in pure Java, so it's platform independent.
You will need a Java Virtual Machine Version 1.4.0 or higher. You can download the latest Java Virtual Machine from http://www.java.com, following the "Get It Now" button link. QuickNote installation is very easy: simply copy the QuickNote directory somewhere in your file system (it can be placed in a floppy disk, too!) and run the QuickNote.jar file with the following command: java -jar quicknote_path/QuickNote.jar You can also make a simple script or, on Windows platforms, double click on the jar icon. I suggest you, to avoid problems or unexpected behaviors, to put the QuickNote directory in a path without spaces or unusual characters like '!', '?', '%', and so on. Moreover, if you upgrade from an older version, your data file will not be compatible, so backup your documents before upgrading. Feedback
For bug reports, suggestions, ideas, comments or everything you want about QuickNote,
please feel free to send me an e-mail at:
sb_tourist@tin.it putting the word QuickNote in the subject, or use the QuickNote Forum at this page! |